The transition to Lutheran Community Care
In the late 1990s, increasingly complex regulation requirements combined with an increasingly challenging market saw the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District establish an umbrella organisation – Lutheran Community Care – to manage all of the district’s aged care and community services operations, including Orana.
Having worked so hard and with such devotion to raise Orana over more than 25 years, many in the management committee, congregation and supporter network found this transition difficult. With the benefit of hindsight, we now see many aspects of this transition could have been handled better.
What didn’t change however were the Orana name, welcome and spirit.
Orana today, part of the family
Lutheran Community Care was renamed Lutheran Services in 2017. As the operator of Orana today, Lutheran Services recognises the considerable achievements and challenges of the past. We thank the many congregation and committee members, volunteers and supporters for their grace, devotion and hard work. Their efforts and endeavours continue to benefit Orana’s many residents, clients and staff today.
Lutheran Services was established to ensure the ministry of care envisaged and established by Orana’s founders would continue to thrive, so more people could experience Christ’s love through their services. We hope this origin story project will help to record, share and celebrate the incredible journey and spirit that built Orana and continue to make it such a special place.
In the 2020s, more than half a century on, Orana is home to around 100 aged care residents and a lively community of independent retirement living residents in some 20 cottages. Orana provides home care/support and NDIS services for around 200 households throughout the South Burnett region. Orana is also a great place to work and is a respected and valued employer of more than 110 staff.