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Somerset Community Services

2/1456 Brisbane Valley Highway, Fernvale QLD, Australia

Welcome to the Somerset Community Services at Fernvale. We deliver one-on-one in-home support and community participation services for people living with a disability in the Ipswich and Somerset regions. We also offer support for older people living independently in the community who would like to enjoy activities in a social situation.

Fernvale Day Centre

Disability Services:

Local people who are living with a disability can attend our Fernvale centre to enjoy meaningful activities, socialise, enjoy recreational outings and develop life skills. Our life skills development program includes cooking, healthy eating and computer skills development as well as activities such as craft and gentle exercise. Our regular outings include bowling, swimming and the movies.

Senior Services:

Our day activity program based at our centre in Fernvale gives older people who are living independently but are frail and socially isolated the opportunity to participate in meaningful and enjoyable activities with others their same age. We also offer support group programs in Ipswich and Laidley.

Fernvale Day Centre

Services and activities

Life skills development

Social outings to local attractions and events

Gentle fitness programs

Craft (pottery and more)

Music and art

Guest speakers

Fernvale Day Centre - disability services

Fernvale Day Centre - for seniors

Carer support

Book a consultation

Somerset Community Services accepts referrals from individuals, carers, family members, medical practitioners, and mental health professionals. Eligibility criteria applies. Book a consultation with our friendly service manager at a time and place that suits you. We look forward to meeting with you.

Helpful downloads

Lutheran Services Disability Brochure pdf 1.81 MB
Somerset Home Care Flyer pdf 226.56 KB
Somerset Community Access Poster pdf 878.58 KB
Somerset Day Programs Poster pdf 1.08 MB
Carer Support Service

Carer Support Service

Our Somerset carer support service includes:

  • in home and centre based day respite to enable carers to take time for themselves
  • assistance with transport to access the community


Latest News

Featured article

15 May 2023 | Disability

Graceville Art Festival 22-25 June 2023

Careful, measured meaning is mapped out by artist Billie Baxter before she loads up her paintbrush. A compass, protractor and sometimes even a trusty nail, string and pencil to get a really big circle are the tools of trade for the Buderim artist. Billie is the featured artist at the annual Graceville Art Festival, which ...

Let’s talk about you

We’d love to hear from you and answer all your questions. Give us a call on 1800 960 433 or fill out the form and we’ll be in touch shortly. We look forward to speaking with you.

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