24 October 2023
Our response to the Disability Royal Commission
The return of the 12-volume Disability Royal Commission report provides an amazing opportunity to leverage this moment as a catalyst for change.
After four and a half years of hearings and brave testimony, the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability has made more than 200 recommendations.
These recommendations point a way forward to make a more inclusive society that supports the independence of people with disability, and their right be recognised, empowered and valued.
As an organisation that provides disability services, we wholeheartedly support the foundations of the final report, as centred on human rights.
Lutheran Services has a long history of supporting people with disability and their families. The origins of our disability support services are some of the first of their kind in Queensland.
Two of our Community Services leaders, both who have personal experience of living with disability, share their thoughts on the way forward here.
This is our chance to contribute to a more inclusive Australia. We’re committed to stand with the disability community to advocate to the government to enact the recommendations – and then partner with the government to do the hard work of change.
We want to be at the forefront of a workforce with a lived experience – and continue to listen to people with disability. Importantly, we will call out and proactively challenge disability discrimination.
We’re committed to new and better ways to support independence and choice for people with disability through our defined Model of Care and Service.
We have an opportunity to innovate and reimagine our future disability support services – where we evolve our approach to supported accommodation through use of technology, staff training and support mechanisms.