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25 April 2024

Aged Care

Orana resident’s poppy project for students

Kingaroy resident Dorothy Niebling is hooked on crochet and has put her passion for the craft into the creation of hundreds of handmade poppies for local students on Anzac Day.

Mrs Niebling, 91, who lives at Lutheran Services’ Orana Aged Care, turned around 15 balls of wool into 400 crocheted poppies for the students of Taabinga State School to wear at the school’s remembrance service.

“I have been working on the poppies for a couple of weeks and estimate I can complete 25 to 28 in a day,’’ she said.

“I like to do meaningful projects and making the poppies was enjoyable and occupied my time. I believe it’s important to keep my mind busy.’’

Mrs Niebling says she has vivid memories as a young girl growing up during World War II.

“As children we had a great understanding of the value of things as everything was rationed and we appreciated what we had as a family,’’ she said.

“My father had served in the First World War and suffered a gunshot wound to his leg but he never complained. He later worked as an engine driver until the effects of being exposed to gas in the war led him to being diagnosed with lung cancer and that eventually took his life.

“Making these keepsakes for the students allowed me an opportunity to give something back to the community. I have always been grateful to the service charity Legacy who paid for my dental care as a child when my family could not afford it.

“My hands no longer handle the crocket hook quite as well as they once did, but I am determined to continuing crocheting while I still can. I just take it easier now.’’

The school’s senior student leaders visited the Orana Aged Care site where Mrs Niebling presented them with the poppies. The school provided Orana Activities with a donation for the poppies.

Aged Care

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