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3 October 2018

Aged Care

Why aged care residents need their pets

Research has found that pets can add significantly to people’s quality of life, regardless of age.

Lutheran Services agrees.  That’s’ why we allow pets into our aged care services, subject to compatibility.

Sarah Breen, Lifestyle Manager at Tabeel Laidley said having pets in the community makes residents feel at home.

“People’s faces light up when they interact with pets – whether it’s dogs, cats or birds.

“There is one lady who chooses to stay in her room a fair bit and Maude the cat always visits and they share a pet and affection.

“I think pets are wonderful company for older people, certainly for those living in aged care, and it’s partly the company and the sensory experience which residents respond to,” said Ms Breen.

Research completed by the Animal Welfare League of Australia has found that only 18 percent of residential aged care sites allow pets to live with their owners.

Pictured is eight month old Labrador puppy Nugget who lives at Immanuel Gardens Aged Care in Buderim.

Resident Gerda Kuik says Nugget is the joy of her life.

“He likes to sleep a lot after a big play,” she said.

“Just the sight of him makes me really happy.


Aged Care

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