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21 April 2020

Aged Care

Bocce o’clock

Happy hour with bocce has been a big hit with Wahroonga Aged Care residents.

Wahroonga Creative Programs Coordinator Amanda Trewin said with social distancing in place, more happy hours (with less people at each session) had been organised.

“We play games, sing songs requested by the residents and we always encourage residents to request their favourite activities or something new to mix it up,” Amanda said.

Ticking off overseas travel from residents’ bucket list has also been a popular pastime.

“’Virtual tours’ is where it’s at!” Amanda said.

“Once we know where they have been, or where they would like to go, we do a virtual tour of the location on our projection screen in the activity area, and this has provided many hours of enjoyment encouraging residents to reminisce with each other and staff.

“So far, we have visited The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, San Diego Zoo, Panama Canal to watch the ships docking, Italy, and taken a train ride around the Swiss Alps.”

Aged Care

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