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How much does it cost?

How much does it cost?

Lutheran Services Residential Aged Care Services are government approved and subsidised services offering care and support to eligible people.​

A potential resident’s financial situation does not affect their ability to live in a Lutheran Services Residential Aged Care Service, but it will impact what they may have to pay for the service.​ When entering aged care you will pay for two things:

  1. Your room (accommodation fees)
  2. Your care (living and care fees)

How much you can afford to contribute to the cost of your care and accommodation is determined by the government using an income and asset assessment.

Accommodation Fees


This is the cost of your room and is set by individual providers based on the types of rooms available, and the geographic location of the service. The accommodation charge comes in the form of a refundable lump sum, non-refundable daily payments, or a combination of both.

A Combined Income and Assets Assessment will place you in one of three categories that will determine the amount you will be asked to pay:

  • Supported: The government will pay for your accommodation charge
  • Partially supported: The government will pay for some of your accommodation charge and you’ll be asked to pay the rest
  • Financial (or self-funded): You’ll be required to pay the full cost of the accommodation

Living and Care Fees


  • Basic Daily Care Fee

This is for your day to day living costs such as meals, cleaning, laundry, heating and cooling. The fee is set by the Australian Government and is the same across all aged care communities. Generally, it’s set at 85% of the single person rate of the basic age pension.

  • Means-Tested Care Fee

This is an extra contribution towards the cost of care that residents may need to pay, on top of the basic daily fee, depending on income and assets. This fee is also set by the Government.

  • Additional Services

An optional fee to cover “hotel-style” extra services such as alcoholic beverages, daily newspaper delivery, hairdressing services and more.

Figuring out what you pay

Use our Fee Calculator

If you are required to contribute towards your Accommodation fees, there are three payment options you can choose from:

1. Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD)

You pay this as a lump sum. It’s a standard room price set by the aged care home and it’s fully refunded when you leave.

2. Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)

This option is the equivalent of the option above…but paid in daily instalments. It’s an interest only payment and is non-refundable. For example, if a room cost $400,000, and the interest rates are 5% your daily fee would be charged at 5% of the $400,000 or $54.79 a day.

3. Combination Payment (RAD & DAP)

This option is a combination of the other two types of payment. You can choose to pay a partial lump sum amount and then the rest as a daily accommodation payment. Only the partial lump sum payment is refundable when you exit.

Fee Calculator

This tool helps you to explore what your daily accommodation payment (DAP) would be if you choose not to pay the full Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD).

Speak with us

We’d love to hear from you. To find out more about Aged Care fees, please click here to contact us and a friendly Client Services Advisor we’ll get back to you shortly.