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I can help with:

Home Care

  • Support with My Aged Care
  • Support with ACAT assessments
  • General financial information
  • Support with paperwork (e.g. ACAT)
  • Liaison with the home care team

Retirement Living

  • Village tours
  • Explaining fees and charges
  • General financial information and options
  • Support with paperwork (e.g. resident agreements)
  • Support at settlement
  • Welcoming residents to their new home

Aged Care

  • Support with My Aged Care
  • Support with ACAT assessments
  • Discussing care options
  • Site tours
  • Explaining fees and charges
  • General financial information and options
  • Support with paperwork (e.g. ACAT)
  • Support through application and admissions process
  • Liaison with service managers and care staff
  • Settling residents into their new home

Locations I look after

Zion Home Care

24 Union Street, Nundah QLD
1800 960 433

Live life to the fullest with a reliable, friendly carer by your side. A familiar face ready to help.

St Paul’s Home Care

10-44 Tomlinson Road, Caboolture QLD
1800 960 433

Live life to the fullest with a reliable, friendly carer by your side. A familiar face ready to help.

St Paul’s Retirement Living

10-44 Tomlinson Road, Caboolture QLD
07 5495 1300

Discover a tranquil 12-acre sanctuary of gentle breezes and open

Alondra Residences

25 Union Street, Nundah QLD
07 3858 3077

Inspired by nature and the essence of home, Alondra features 52 architecturally designed luxury apartments.

St Paul’s Aged Care

10-44 Tomlinson Road, Caboolture QLD
07 5495 1300

St Paul’s specialises in personalised aged care services focused on individual wellbeing and an enriched quality of life.

Get to know me as your Client and Community Advisor

Supporting a loved one into a residential aged care facility can be a daunting and emotional time. If I can help take some of that stress away by supporting people through the aged care process, and alleviate some of that burden then I guess, that would be the thing I love most about my job. I enjoy helping others and making a difference.

Sometimes it’s just the small things – I like to take time to slow down, listen and have a chat, or at times give out a big happy hello and a wave in passing. I like to attend the different services that are held within our facility with the residents and I love getting involved in the activities and dress up days.. If its dress up in pink florals for Mother’s Day or black and yellow stripes for World Bee day then I’m in! 😊

I feel that it’s important to support new residents to feel welcome and connected when they arrive, so I make sure that our lifestyle team get a good introduction to a new resident by getting as much information from the family about their life story. I document their interests, worldly travels, what they’ve loved to do throughout their life and a little about their family history.. that way everyone has an understanding of who the resident is, their journey and what they enjoy. We have an amazing, caring lifestyle team here at St Paul’s and I think they do such a wonderful job with all the activities, shows, music and themed days. The residents love it, and it really brightens up their whole day.

I help families to feel cared for and well supported by assisting them to navigate the Aged Care process and connect them with the care they need at a time when they need it most. I feel it is my job to take some of the pressure off the family by guiding them through all the paperwork, understanding the aged care system, and explaining all the fees and subsidies.

Doing tours around our beautiful site! St Pauls just celebrated its 30 Year Anniversary and I love all of the charm of this place, it just has such a nice, homely feel to it. When I do tours with families they always comment on how colourful and beautiful all the gardens are and how the vibe here is so welcoming. I’m very proud of our site and all the staff who make it such a lovely place to live and work.

Meet with me

Meet with me

At Lutheran Services, we understand that figuring out Aged Care can be daunting. That’s why we go above and beyond to make things easier. I am your dedicated Client and Community Advisor, and I’m here to help answer all your questions.

I will walk you through everything – step by step. Find something confusing? I will explain it clearly. I will even help you with your paperwork. So don’t try to work it all out on your own – call me today on 1800 960 433 or book a call back at a time that suits you and your schedule below.

Book a call back

How can I help you today?  Call 1800 960 433 or use the calendar to book a call at a time that suits you and your schedule. Don’t have time to chat over the phone? That’s ok! If you’d like to send me a message, please click the button below and I’ll get back to you shortly. I look forward to speaking you soon.

Great things start with a conversation.

If you are thinking about home care, retirement living or aged care for yourself or your loved one, I can help get the ball rolling. You can reach me by calling 1800 960 433 or booking a call back at a time that suits you and your schedule. I look forward to working with you and your family.