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6 September 2021

Aged Care

New owner for Cooinda Aged Care

The ownership of Gympie’s largest aged care centre is in the process of transitioning to one of Queensland’s oldest community service organisations, Lutheran Services. 

The announcement was made at a series of information forums for stakeholders conducted today. 

Since 1965, Cooinda Aged Care Centre has belonged to the Gympie community and has been administered by a committee of community-minded businesspeople and retired professionals. However, according to incumbent Board Chairman Paul Medway, given the current legislative reforms and accreditation requirements this type of operational model is no longer sustainable for a stand-alone operator. 

“Ongoing industry legislative changes and the challenges these changes present requires a proven, committed, specialist organisation to administer,” Mr Medway said. The change of ownership will secure the future of the facility. 

Lutheran Services was selected by the committee after expressions of interest were sought from a number of leading providers. 

“The committee was very mindful of respecting the needs of our community,” Mr Medway added. 

“Careful consideration was given to ensure the continued high standard of essential care and welfare for our residents, the ongoing employment for staff, and the long-term sustainability of our facility.” 

Lutheran Services’ history in serving Queensland dates back to 1935, when the Toowoomba Lutheran congregation opened an aged care service for seniors in the local community. The organisation, which forms part of the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District, now serves urban, regional and rural communities at more than 20 locations stretching from Tallebudgera to Biloela. Lutheran Services is already a local care provider. For 30 years the Zion Lutheran congregation and Lutheran Services have been supporting Gympie residents at its Zion Retirement Living village in O’Connell Street and more recently through its Zion Home Care service. 

Lutheran Services CEO, Mr Nick Ryan, said Lutheran Services was looking forward to maintaining the excellent care already provided at Cooinda.    

“Our missions and values closely align, so we expect to make the transition of ownership as seamless as possible for staff, suppliers, community and, most importantly, the residents and families”. 

The 164-bed facility will officially change hands in early October 2021. 

Watch the announcement from Lutheran Services CEO Nick Ryan here.

Aged Care

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