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I can help with:

Home Care

  • Support with My Aged Care
  • Support with ACAT assessments
  • General financial information
  • Support with paperwork (e.g. ACAT)
  • Liaison with the home care team

Retirement Living

  • Village tours
  • Explaining fees and charges
  • General financial information and options
  • Support with paperwork (e.g. resident agreements)
  • Support at settlement
  • Welcoming residents to their new home

Aged Care

  • Support with My Aged Care
  • Support with ACAT assessments
  • Discussing care options
  • Site tours
  • Explaining fees and charges
  • General financial information and options
  • Support with paperwork (e.g. ACAT)
  • Support through application and admissions process
  • Liaison with service managers and care staff
  • Settling residents into their new home

Locations I look after

Tabeel Home Care

27 Ambrose Street, Laidley QLD
1800 960 433

Live life to the fullest with a reliable, friendly carer by your side. A familiar face ready to help.

Teviot Home Care

1/13 Church St, Boonah QLD 4310
1800 960 433

Live life to the fullest with a reliable, friendly carer by your side. A familiar face ready to help.

Tabeel Retirement Living

91 Alfred Street, Laidley QLD
07 5466 8300

A serene retirement lifestyle nestled in the beautiful Lockyer Valley.

Teviot Villas Retirement Living

16-18 Church Street, Boonah QLD
0419 312 738

A charming country style village in the heart of Queensland’s Scenic Rim.

Tabeel Aged Care

27 Ambrose Street, Laidley QLD
07 5466 8300

A supported living community, home to a family of residents, caring staff and volunteers, Tabeel is enriched with history and

Get to know me as your Client and Community Advisor

I have always enjoyed being involved with and supporting the local community, so this job aligns well.

I’ve found myself drawn to aspects in my work that help people, so I love being to connect someone with the care and support they need.

It’s incredibly satisfying to help someone to see there are good options available to them. To be able to relieve some of their stress by talking through these options is truly fulfilling.

Empowering families with the knowledge and information to support their independence is wonderful.

I love chatting with people and supporting them through the transition to Tabeel.

The people I speak to have such wonderful stories to share and amazing local knowledge.

I love being able to listen & connect with people. I picture myself in their shoes and try to provide the best solutions & support for them.

We have a great relationship with the local hospitals and support workers. It’s great to be able to take some of the worry out of the transition from hospital and welcome people into our service.

With it also being a small country town word of mouth travels quick and you are warmly welcomed into the community.

Tabeel has many beautiful gardens and court yards, it is lovely to sit outside and see the residents enjoy the gardens.

Meet with me

Meet with me

At Lutheran Services, we understand that figuring out Aged Care can be daunting. That’s why we go above and beyond to make things easier. I am your dedicated Client and Community Advisor, and I’m here to help answer all your questions.

I will walk you through everything – step by step. Find something confusing? I will explain it clearly. I will even help you with your paperwork. So don’t try to work it all out on your own – call me today on 1800 960 433 or book a call back at a time that suits you and your schedule below.

Book a call back

How can I help you today?  Call 1800 960 433 or use the calendar to book a call at a time that suits you and your schedule. Don’t have time to chat over the phone? That’s ok! If you’d like to send me a message, please click the button below and I’ll get back to you shortly. I look forward to speaking you soon.

Great things start with a conversation.

If you are thinking about home care, retirement living or aged care for yourself or your loved one, I can help get the ball rolling. You can reach me by calling 1800 960 433 or booking a call back at a time that suits you and your schedule. I look forward to working with you and your family.